The deadline for Abstract Submission is July 31st, 2012
In order to submit an abstract you must register online and then log in to you account and select "Submission of abstracts".
The conference program will include invited lectures, oral presentations and posters. The International Organizing Committee will select abstracts for oral presentations from the received applications. The priority will be given to young scientists. Abstracts not accepted for oral presentations can be presented as posters.
Abstract format
Abstracts must be written in English and uploaded to the website no later than July 31, 2012. Only abstracts from registered participants will be included in the conference program and Abstract Book.
- The size of abstract is limited to one A4 page, including tables and figures
- Title of abstract must be in bold capital, Times New Roman, size 12
- Authors’ field: Times New Roman, size 12
- Affiliations and e-mail of the presenting author: Times New Roman, size 12, italic
- Body text: Times New Roman, size 12, single space, alignment justified
- Margins: top 2.5cm, bottom 2.5cm, left 3.5cm, right 1cm
- The file must be in the *.rtf format
Abstract submission procedure
- To submit an abstract you must register at the Conference website. If you are already registered, log in to you account, using the login and password sent to you after the registration, and press the "Submission of abstracts" button
- Choose relevant section
- Choose presentation type: oral or poster
- Enter the title of presentation
- Enter the names of all authors (each name in a separate field)
- Enter the e-mail of the presenting author
- Attach the prepared file with the abstract in the *.rtf format.
Attention! The abstract file should contain all information including title of the presentation, authors' names, affiliations, e-mail of the presenting author and body text